Passages du temps
The Passages du temps (passage of time), are works on paper that represent a period of time, a symbolic month, or the years of a person’s life or a celebration. Each minute, if I restore a month, or each hour if it is about years, is perforated, invents a drawing that only light reveals.
2014 - Punched paper, pyrogilding, pencil and light to represent the month of Nissan50 x 65 cm
2016 - Temps poinçonné sur papier, un trou par heure pendant 100 ans à partir du 18 mars 191650 x 65 cm
2016 - papier poinçconné du temps qui passe - un point par minute pour le mois embolismique, Adar 2 sur papier50 x 60 cm
papier poinçconné du temps qui passe - un point par minute pour le mois embolismique, Adar 2 sur papier50 x 60 cm
2015 - Time pyrographed on paper and marked in pencil50 x60 cm
2016 - Time count and impromptu thoughts notebook
2015 - Time written in blue pen on paper - 1 point per minute - Each hour marked in pencil, Nissan month projection during the Décrocher la lune project 50 x 60 cm
The Passages du temps (passage of time), are works on paper that represent a period of time, a symbolic month, or the years of a person’s life or a celebration. Each minute, if I restore a month, or each hour if it is about years, is perforated, invents a drawing that only light reveals.