Fossils and fragments capture a vanished moment that sometimes was only imagined.
Seves Brutes past Fossil 3-1 on a rainy day
Flow of glass on branches, bark and symbolic writings 65 x 60 x 8 cm - Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verse 8
All things are always in motion; no one is able to account for it. The eye never gets tired of seeing, nor the ear tires of hearing.
Fossile 5-1-details
2018 Fossil 5-1 Branch, glass, gauze and red thread on brass base 57 x 60 x 7 cm
Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verse 4
A generation goes away, another generation succeeds it, and the earth remains perpetually.
Seves Brutes - Past - Fossile 5-3 by night
2018 reactivated 2021 Branch, glass, gauze and red thread reactivated in 2021 on a brass base | 61 x 56 x 10 cm | Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verse 6: To go south and describe its curve to the north; the wind progresses while always evolving and passes by the same circuits
Fossile seve brutes passe 5-1
2020 installation in Venice of Fossil 5-1 and red projected lines
Fossile seve brutes past 3-1 in fusion
Fossil 1-2 detail
Flow of glass on branches, bark and symbolic writings
Fossile seve brutes pas 1-2 on the wall
2018 reactivated 2020 | Branch, glass, gauze and red thread on brass base | 57 x 51 x 7 cm Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 Verse 7 All rivers flow into the sea, and the sea is not filled with it; towards the place which is assigned to the rivers, they invariably direct their course.
Fossile 5-3 detail
2018 - reactivated in 2021
| Branch, glass, gauze and red thread on brass base| 61 x 56 x 10cm
Seve brute past Fossile 5-3-reinvented
2018| reactivated in 2021
| Single piece |
| Branch, glass, gauze and red thread on brass base| 61 x 56 x 10cm
Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verse 6
To advance towards the south and describe its curve towards the north; the wind progresses while always evolving and goes back through the same circuits.
Fossils and fragments capture a vanished moment that sometimes was only imagined.